At Madar, we provide world-class education which is unparalleled among private schools in the city of Al Ain. Our student-centered curriculum is designed to impart our students with an education that is in line with the highest international benchmark standards. Our goals are in full alignment with the UAE’s National Agenda for Education, which strives to focus on enduring matters such as virtual learning, technology integration, digital citizenship, visioneering, team and systems building, as well as continuous improvement and professional growth of every child in school, with no exceptions.
As principal of Madar International School, one of my core aspirations is to make a positive impact in students' lives and in turn, they do the same in that of others. We endeavor to develop lifelong learners and future leaders of tomorrow.
READ MOREAl Madar school has taught me how to discipline myself and focus on my goals, always be an over achiever and be in the right mind set, it was challenging but created some of my greatest memories, and I am grateful to every teacher I got the chance to study with.
كانت خبرة جديدة مليئة بالفائدة . في ظل الظروف الراهنة وتغير نمط التعليم إلى التعليم الهجين كانت هنالك العديد من التحديات والصعوبات ولكنني بمساعدة زملائي من أسرة مدرسة المدار، استطعت أن أتخطاها بثبات. ولا أنسى أن أذكر إيجابية أولياء الأمور وتفهمهم لمجريات الأمور ساعدتني جداً في تحقيق الهدف المطلوب مني كمشرف قسم في مدرسة المدار. أود أن أشكر إدارة مدرسة المدار المتمثلة في الدكتورة ألاء الجبوري للدعم المتواصل الذي كان له الأثر الطيب في نجاحنا كأفراد وكعائلة متماسكة
It has been very strange coming back to school with less student numbers and with all the precaution measures that took place for the safety of our students. It was not easy to cope with the new norm of teaching and working. But how we acted as one family gives a big boost to overcome every challenge we faced. The level of communication between us as MIS staff and the parents was satisfying and promising that nothing may stop us or delay us from delivering a high quality of work with minimum missteps. Thanks to everyone!!
Under the unprecedented circumstances we have been under due to Covid-19, we, supervisors, have faced some challenges which we could, by time, and by working together with all administrative, teachers, and parents alike overcome successfully. We had to acquaint ourselves with new programs for distance learning, coordinate with all teachers to monitor students’ learning as well as behavior and communicate and report to both school and parents regarding every student’s progress, achievements, and areas for improvement.
In addition, and when students have come back on campus, it was not easy at the beginning to cope with both DL and FTF simultaneously. However, we worked hard, fulfilled our duties, and, eventually successfully managed to overcome the double-challenging roles we take knowing that giving anything enough time, dedication, and determination would make the impossible possible.
في بداية العام الدراسي كنت أشعر بتوتر وخوف رهيب من نظام التعليم الحالي وكان الخوف من بعض التحديات في كيفية التواصل مع أولياء أمور طلابي وكيفية التواصل ودعم الطلاب دون معرفتهم بي شخصيا لكن بفضل الله وبدعم الإدارة والتنسيق المتواصل وتزويدنا بالبيانات اللازمة والمتابعة المستمرة لتفادي الخطأ. وإعطاءنا الارشادات اللازمة والقرارات الصادرة من قبل الوزارة وكيفية تطبيقها وفق المعايير السليمة تم تجاوز جميع الصعوبات أود ان أشكر جميع الزملاء الذين ساعدوا بمعلومة وإن كانت بسيطة وأشكر إدارتنا المتفانية في العمل وأولياء الأمور الكرام وأبنائنا الطلبة لتخطي الصعوبات معاً ويداً بيد . أتمنى أن تبقى عائلة المدار دوماً اسماً شامخاً متوجاً بالنجاح
كانت بداية سنة جديدة ومجهولة بنفس الوقت مررنا بكل ما هو صعب ورغم صعوبته كان مفيد يحمل معه الصبر ومزيد من الجهد والإصرار في سبيل التقدم والعطاء كنا تارة نشعر بالتعب وتارة نؤمن بأن القادم أفضل وبأنها فترة وستمضي بذكرى على كل انسان لنأخذ منها العبرة بكل ما هو جميل واستمر التقدم بنصائح الأستاذة آلاء وتوجيهاتها. وجهد كل رؤساء الاقسام وقسم الأنشطة الذي حاول أن يوصل كل ما هو جميل ورائع لخارج المدار نعمل لنستمر ونحصل على كل ما هو مفيد وناجح
Madar School did an absolutely outstanding job getting virtual online learning up and running so quickly. I was so impressed by the fantastic organization and efforts that all of the teaching and administrative staff, with the exemplary leadership of Ms. Alaa, put in place to make it possible for the students to not miss a beat with their course work even though our whole world seemed to change overnight. Thank you so much for the many days and nights and weekends that you worked yourself tirelessly to make it happen. I now feel perfectly confident that I made the right choice by selecting Madar as the preferred school for my son.
Madar is a K-12 American curriculum school that focuses on preparing students to be innovative thinkers and visionaries. We are accredited by Cognia (Formerly AdvancED) and our curriculum adopts strong academic methods that develop students with advanced academic standards.
Our partners are critical to our success. We are committed to finding and teaming with organizations that complement our strengths, and meet the needs of our students, parents, and teachers.
Our free-to-download app is a dynamic one-stop web portal which grants access to students, parents, teachers, staff members, and management, to all the relevant information and communication from a central location. Download the Madar International School app now and keep informed!